Илон Маск 80 25.01.2022
Artemy Lebedev fires 85% of designers from his studio because of the neural network that creates designs

Artemy Lebedev fired almost all the designers who worked on his projects. He wrote about this on his blog. According to Lebedev, 15% of designers stayed with him, and the remaining 85% were fired.
“I am firing for one simple reason: the neural network does a better job than any designer I hire,”
Lebedev said. As an example, the designer cited his ad for Tinkoff Bank, where the neural network managed to create an image that turned out to be better than the original. According to him, he realized a long time ago that no one could do logo design better than his neural network.
The designers themselves refused to comment to our publication, some claim that the decision is unfair and promise to apply to the regulatory authorities with a collective appeal.